Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grasshoppers Hop

Grasshoppers never eat other insects. They are called herbivores because they eat only plants. Grasshoppers are not picky about the plants they eat. They usually eat grasses, leaves and cereals. Grasshoppers are insects with jaws which they chew their food with. The grasshopper hop for the olympics would be on average 10 times its body length in the high jump and 20 times it body length in the long jump.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunshine is on the way ... Get ready for Woodland Survival

We are about to start woodland survival, over the coming weeks our groups of intrepid explorers will be learning new skills for life, understanding nature and building friendships. The woodland is looking fabulous, lots of wild flowers, butterflies, and birds. I did spot a Roe deer, after about an hour of tracking it, my wellies gave me away ! and off the buck deer ran. Sorry no photo this time. Look out for natural pathways, deer are creatures of habbit and tend to use the same tracks and paths.
I am very excited about the course this year, a few changes to the course will make each day a great experience for newcomers and those more experienced. Remember Leave No trace... Nature is neither for you, nor is it against you... and a final quote from Mors Kochanski - The more you know, the less you carry !